Question 1 - What are the implications of the introduction of the UK Apprenticeship Levy for employers in Wales?

For the National assembly for Wales Commission, we have calculated that we will be liable for a charge of around £119 k.

The DAS (the mechanism by which employers can get funding back in return for apprentices) applies only to England. We don’t yet know what arrangements the Welsh Government will be putting in place to fund apprentice training or, indeed, whether we will be able to access the money paid into the levy to fund apprentice training provided within the Assembly Commission at all.

Question 2 - Will there be different implications for public sector and private sector employers?

Not as far as we can see

Question 3 - Are there any specific implications for employers who operate both in Wales and also throughout the UK (that you have not previously referred to in your response)?

It would appear possible that employers will be able to use the levy on respect of Welsh based employees to fund English based employees whilst the reverse appears to be explicitly ruled out. This won’t affect us directly as an employer.

Question 4 – If you have concerns about the funding of apprenticeships after the introduction of the UK levy, what would you like the Welsh Government to do to address your concerns?

We need more clarity on how the funding of apprentice training will operate after the levy comes into operation. As it stands, we will be funding apprentice training locally and having to pay the levy as well thus increasing our bill for the same level of training provision.

This will put us at a disadvantage compared to comparable organisations in England (Houses of Parliament, London Assembly).



Question 5 - What, if any, are the cross-border funding and policy issues which arise from the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy (that you have not previously referred to in your response)?

None other than previously identified

Question 6 - Do you have any views about how the Welsh Government has engaged with employers with regard to the Apprenticeship Levy?

The amount of information available on how the levy will operate in Wales and how funding for apprentice training can be accessed is extremely sparse.


Question 7 - Do you have any general comments or concerns on the current system of funding of apprenticeships in Wales? What should the Welsh Government be doing to address any concerns you have identified?
